Electrochimica Acta Special Issue

Electrochemistry – Science and Technology for a Sustainable and Better Planet

Electrochimica Acta is launching a Virtual Special Issue (VSI) in May 2024, which comprises a selection of papers presented at the 75th Annual Meeting, held from August 18 to 23, 2024, in Montréal, Canada.


Special Issues Editor

Dr Sotiris Sotiropoulos
Professor of Electrochemistry
Physical Chemistry Laboratory
Chemistry Department
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki 54124

A team of Executive and Guest editors will be involved in the process.

This is an invited-only special issue.

Upon invitation, please provide prospective contributors with the following specific instructions on how to submit a paper:

1)            Go to: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/electrochimica-acta
2)            Click on the "Submit your article" option from the top menu
3)            Enter your username and password (first time users will have to register)
4)            Select "ISE-2024" as the “Article Type”
5)            Select "Sotiris Sotiropoulos" at the "Request Editor" dropdown menu
6)            Follow the remaining step-by-step instructions to submit your paper

Submission of contributions: From 18 May 2024 with deadline 24 December 2024

Learn more about the benefits of publishing in a special issue.

Interested in becoming a guest editor? Discover the benefits of guest editing a special issue and the valuable contribution that you can make to your field.